We offer two doctoral study programmes in full-time and combined form.
Standard length of study is 4 years.
Language of study program: Czech, English.
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
General information about doctoral studies at Faculty of Arts are here: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/home/applicants/phd-programmes/
Details about Application and Admission for PhD programmes are here: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/home/applicants/phd-programmes/application-and-admission/
The aim of SP Clinical and Health Psychology is a complex preparation of experts for scientific work in terms of preparedness of knowledge level, a high level of scientific methodology and presentation of the results for domestic and international environment. Emphasis is placed on the training of specialists capable of preparing and implementing the projects and their critical scientific consultation, in particular in the field of applied psychology – especially in psychodiagnostice, mental disorders, psychological intervention, support and therapy, neuropsychology, developing mental health of children and adults in various interpersonal context.
Graduate of the Doctoral Study Program Clinical and Health Psychology is an expert in the latest and scientifically supported procedures with a critical view of their content and especially methodological contexts. He/she has demonstrated his profound knowledge of both the field and the methodological knowledge of the main topic, which was the topic of his/her dissertation project. He/she can focus on modern psychodiagnostics, methods of mental health care and psychotherapeutic intervention. Using the acquired knowledge and research experience, he/she is ready for independent creative work in basic and applied research requiring the most demanding qualifications that contribute to the development of the field of psychology in the field.
The aim of SP Social Psychology and Psychology of Work is a complex preparation of experts for scientific work in terms of preparedness of knowledge level, a high level of scientific methodology and presentation of the results for domestic and international environment. Emphasis is placed on the training of specialists capable of preparing and implementing the projects and their critical scientific consultation, especiain particular in the field of applied psychology – especially in applied areas of social and developmental psychology (eg, communication, interpersonal relationships, socialization and intercultural contexts, early psychological development, cognitive and social development of children and adolescents, geropsychology), forensic psychology (eg selected topics of criminal psychology and criminal investigation) and psychology work and organization (eg economic psychology or management psychology).
Graduate of the Doctoral Study Program Psychology: Social Psychology and Psychology of Work is an expert in the latest and scientifically supported procedures with a critical view of their content and especially methodological contexts. He has demonstrated his profound knowledge of both the field and the methodological aspects of the key issue, which was the topic of his dissertation project, he can orient himself in the current issues of psychology, seek the methods of their research or the use of results for practical applications. Using the acquired knowledge and research experience, he is ready for independent creative work in basic and applied research requiring the most demanding qualifications that contribute to the development of the field of psychology in the field.